Pet Waste Removal Services
Your Trusted Partner in Keeping Your Yard Clean and Safe
Residential Pet Waste Removal:
Keep your backyard fresh and hygienic with our scheduled pet waste removal service. Our team handles the dirty work, thoroughly cleaning up pet waste, deodorizing the yard, and washing down affected areas. To ensure your outdoor space remains pest-free, we apply natural, pesticide-free flea treatment. Enjoy a clean, odor-free yard that's safe for your family and pets.
Commercial Dog Park Cleanup:
Maintaining a dog park's cleanliness is crucial for the health and safety of dogs and their owners. Our commercial dog park cleanup service includes thorough waste removal, replenishment of dog waste bags, and washing down surfaces to keep the park spotless. We also apply eco-friendly flea treatment to minimize pests, ensuring the park remains a safe, enjoyable environment for all.
Professional Commercial Cleaning
By choosing Sanitize Pros for your cleaning needs, you are not only investing in a clean and well-maintained environment for yourself but also contributing to our efforts in making a positive impact on the lives of those in need. We are proud to stand alongside our partners and customers who share our commitment to social responsibility.
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Trauma-Informed Care Training
At Sanitize Pros, we are deeply committed to providing more than just cleaning services—we aim to offer care and understanding to those in need. To uphold this mission, our team has engaged in a rigorous Trauma-Informed Care Training Program, delivered through a series of interactive online modules, capped by an insightful workshop.